Caring for Your Air Plants

Tillandsia grow differently than most other house plants, so they can be confusing to a beginner. They are hardy, and require much less attention than other house plants. The following simplifies the instruction but you can scroll down for much more specific information.

Caring for Your Air Plants

Tillandsia Air Plants Displays on a Shelf with Books

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Air Plants in Glass Globes

Air plants in glass globes have become so popular that I get calls all the time about caring for them. Follow these simple instructions to enjoy your glass-surrounded plant for many years. If you are looking for glass globes, find many unique designs in our shop.

Tillandsia Cacticola Air Plant Displayed in a Large Glass Bowl Terrarium with Grapevine Accent

Watering Your Air Plants

Assorted Tillandsia Air Plants in a Bowl of Water

Air Plant Growth Cycle

2 Pups Attatched to a Tillandsia Capitata Peach Mother Air Plant

More About Water

The water you use is important! Avoid using distilled water. Softened water is a not good either because of the high salt content. Filtered water, tap water (that has sat long enough for the chlorine to dissipate), and bottled water are all fine. Pond water and aquarium water works well, too. In fact, they love the extra nutrients that the fish provide!

Outdoor Tillandsia may never need to be watered if you live in the humid Southeast or Florida. Indoors, the hotter and drier the air, the more you need to water. Plants should be given enough light and air circulation to dry in no longer than three hours after watering. Wind can be a detriment as the plant dries too quickly. If the plant dries within a very short period of time, it is not hydrating at all. Spray misting is insufficient as the sole means of watering but may be beneficial between regular waterings in dry climates to increase the humidity.

If the plant is in a shell, be sure to empty the water out. Tillandsia will not survive in standing water! Under-watering is clear when there is an exaggeration of the natural concave curve of each leaf. After wetting your plants thoroughly, turn them upside down and gently shake them.

It is much better to water in the morning than at night. Air plants absorb the Carbon Dioxide from the air at night instead of the daytime. If the plant is wet, it does not breathe therefore, unless it can dry quickly at night, plan on morning baths. Find out more about watering in our blog, How to Water Air Plants.

3 Cholla Cactus Skeleton Containers with Assorted Air Plants

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Air Plant Requirements

Multiple Flat Bottom Glass Globes Hung with Hemp String containing Stones and Assorted Air Plants

Air Circulation

Following each watering, Tillandsia should be given enough light and air circulation to dry in three hours or less. Do not keep plants constantly wet or moist! Do not allow them to dry too quickly though. 1-3 hours is optimum. Also if the air is hot, a breeze acts to cool the plant and keep it from becoming overheated.

Tillandsia Harrisii Air Plant in a White Ceramic Geometric Container on a Windowsill


Full-spectrum artificial light (fluorescent) is best. The plant should be no further than 36" from the fluorescent tubes and can be as close as 6". A four-tube 48" fixture works well. Bulbs can be any full spectrum type Gro-Lux, Repta-Sun, Vita-Lite, etc. Light should be set with a timer, 12 hours per day. 

Tillandsia Air Plants Displayed on a Coffee Table

Comfortable Temperature

The optimum temperature range for Tillandsia is 50-90 degrees Fahrenheit. I have kept my plants outside during 40 degree Fahrenheit weather but only for a night or two knowing it would be warm during the day. Most Tillandsia will die with frost.

Learn here how to acclimate your plants to the outdoors after their indoor winter holiday.

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Air Plant Life Cycle

Large Blooming Tillandsia Capitata Peach

Growth to Maturity

Air plants begin their life either as a pup or seedling. An individual plant may live for 3 to up to 15 years before moving through the following stages. Depending on the season (mainly rainy versus dry), the plant's foliage may fluctuate between greens and brighter reds and oranges. This color change is known as "blushing".

Bloom Stalk with Flowers on a Tillandsia Straminea Air Plant

Blooming & Pollination

Air plants bloom one time in their life. Most air plants blooms' have purple petals. The amount of flower bracts and length of bloom stalk depends on the species. Pollinators such as hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and moths travel between the blooming plants.

Hundreds of Tillandsia Butzii Air Plants with Bloom Stalks Producing Seeds at the Farm

Setting & Spreading Seed

If properly pollinated, air plants will produce seed after blooming. The seed capsules form out of the bases of the old flower petals. The seeds form in tufts of cotton-like material. This material is meant to be carried by the wind to different trees, branches or even cliff faces. Germinated seedlings are extremely delicate and indistinguishable from other air plant species until they are about two years old.

Tillandsia Capitata Peach with Pups Attached at Base

Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction

There are two ways that air plants reproduce. Air plants germinated by seeds are from a-sexual reproduction. The genetic makeup of the plant is from two parent plants. However, air plants also produce offsets, known better as "pups", after blooming. These are genetically identical to the mother plant. Most people will encounter pups while working with Tillandsia, as germination of the seeds outside of nature or a nursery environment is rare. The air plant mother will go on to produce 2-8 pups in their lifetime before passing away.

Assorted Tillandsia Air Plants
Assorted Tillandsia Air Plants
Assorted Tillandsia Air Plants
Assorted Tillandsia Ionantha Air Plants
2 Tillandsia Velutina Air Plants
3 Tillandsia Caput Medusae Air Plants
Shop our best selling variety pack of low-maintence tillandsia plants. Sizes range from 3-10 inches tall. You'll love this collection!
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Hands Removing a Pup from Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra Mother Plant

Removing Air Plant Pups

Varying Sizes of Virgin Cork Bark Displays with Attached Tillandsia Air Plants

Easy-Care Cork Bark Displays with Air Plants

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Displaying Your Tillandsia

Tillandsia Melanocrater Air Plant in a Glass Diamond Shaped Terrarium

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